Pre-recorded 10 Minute Talks
Format: 8-10 minute talk (pre-recorded), followed by 5 minutes live Q&A
Details on how to record your talk using powerpoint can be found here.
Some tips on planning your recording can be found on the ISMB 2020 website:
Poster Presentations
Format: Poster in PDF + 5 minute flash-talk (maximum 7 minutes). Q&A during the virtual poster session on July 11.
Poster: PDF or .jpg (4000x3000 pixels) of your poster with a maximum file size of 40 MB.
5 minute flash-talk: Save your presentation as an MP4 file starting with your EasyChair submission number, followed by presenters last name and first name.
An example of a flash talk can be found at the ISMB website:
Note: If you will present a 10-minute talk, you are welcome to submit a poster for the virtual poster session as well!
Info on how to upload will be sent to the presenters soon.